Why responsive web design is important

Why mobile responsive is important? How to know if my website is responsive or not?

Why mobile responsive is important? How to know if my website is responsive or not?

Over the past 10 years, smartphones have continued to develop and as they have, the way that a user views your website has as well.  Where desktop viewers reigned in the top of the market before 2014, mobile viewers have taken the mountain as king of the hill!  In fact, mobile users will account for over half of your views!

So what’s a way to make sure that you have happy visitors to your site?  Tune up your website to be one that is mobile responsive.  Mobile and responsive are just a few words that say your website is going to fit to the size of screen of whatever  you are viewing it on.  To have a website that is mobile responsive means that your user (aka potential customer) will have a better user experience and stick on your site long enough to see what you have to offer and we all know that happier customers, leads to increased business.

Not sure if your site is mobile responsive?  Head on over to search.google.com/test/mobile-friendly and type in your URL.  It will allow you to test whether or not it is.  If it is– GREAT!  You can always visit us for a little facelift or to help you manage analytics on our all in dashboard.   After all, you want to see when, who, and how people are interacting with you online.  If you find out it’s not, let us help optimize your mobile browsing today!  Now that you already know the why, let us help you with the how that is the key to a happy visitor.

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